Oodles and Noodles This
That’s my most favorist skit Dane does. Side Note: I used to think he was incredibly hot (probably the crazy hair and the fact that I find him funny) until I saw ‘Good Luck, Chuck’ and spent 101 minutes staring at acne scars. Not that there is anything wrong with that but it was a heartbreaking moment for me.
So, I was driving to work listening to a DJ do a pretty good Palin/Fargo accent and I started thinking about the 20 minutes of the debate that I watched the other night. Which, by the way, explains why I have to wait 2 weeks for week 2 of Grey’s. Can this election be over soon? It’s cutting into my quality time with McDreamy.
Guess what? I’m rambling. Again.
Where was I? Oh, yeah the debate. I remember watching it and watching Sweet-Little-Kills-Shit-From-The-Air Sarah just smiling away. And smiling some more. And saying things like ‘Dog Gone It, Joe’ and this pops into my head: “MY FATHER'S A BRILLIANT MAN!!!”
I think she intentionally went freaking girl crazy on Joe and he didn’t even know because she’s a FUCKING MIND NINJA. She was just spewing non-sense and smiling. More non-sense and smiling. Side Note: ‘spewing non-sense’ = political bullshit.
I think she totally mind fucked him and probably a lot of other Joe 6-packs (REPRESENT!) who were left going, ‘huh?’ and “yeah, drill, baby, drill.” (Was that during the debate? I don’t even know)
It was BRIALLANT. Poor Joe seemed to have that same exasperated look on his face that Nick had when Jessica was spewing on about tuna being chicken, or the same look my father gave me when I tried to explain at length why the car I wasn’t allowed to drive had a sudden dent in it and why the garage floor was wet because my dumb ass drove the car I wasn’t supposed to drive in the rain. God, I was stupid.
So, yeah, I think Sarah watched Dane and took notes. Probably that was what was on the paper in front of her. Does anyone remember if she touched her face? Cause that’s when the shit gets bad.
Who bought the fucking noodles? Just tell me who bought the noodles!
Last Side Note of the Post: Let's get one thing clear. There is only ONE Maverick and he's right now asking Mustang for a flyby.
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
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