USO Diary, Vol 7
I can't wait to wear this!!! Riiiiiggghhhht.
So...I have about 2 other top tens to mesmerize you with but my lovely blackberry has taken it up on itself to automatically delete the memo pad where I make notes while I work. Isn't technology grand? The great thing about it is I get to call Canadian hottie Marc (love that spelling) and listen to him say "Oot" and "Aboot" while he works on my problem. I digress.
Here's what happened on my super busy USO shift Sunday - the day after Ike scared the crap out of me while driving on I-30.
10. As I entered the airport, I was soothed by the easy guitar music that was blaring outside the terminal. Like where the buses pick folks up and move them around to where ever they are headed. I think they should consider some Beegees or Snoop Dog...just a suggestion.
9. The sweetest little baby girl on the planet toddles over to me to show me her new beanie baby the ladies up front had given her. She gave it a kiss and a hug and I'm pretty sure I teared up. Wuss.
8. This National Guard dood comes to inspect the patch board so I joined him hoping to gain some knowledge. Because let's face it. Since they took down the 'F*** OFF METER' Patch, I got nothin'. He pointed out all the patches he'd worn over the years (he was at least 22) and joked about what he said "had to be the Air Force" board because only they would have all those loud a$$ colors on their patches. hehe.
7. Football fan comes in, sits down, tells me he's a steelers fan (maybe?) and starts yelling at the T.V. Oh, what good times that was for me.
6. Supplies were low in the frozen sandwich department and I had to live with the knowledge of how many hopes were crushed when I said, "No, sorry. No spicy chicken." Everyone was sad.
5. All my good homeland security friends at check point were looking stylish and sleek in their new BRIGHT blue shirts. Even got a smile out of Mr. Milk. You rock that shirt, fellas.
4. So. I had to have my purse searched because of a 'lock' looking device in my purse. My tiny, only holds my keys and card holder so i can't possible forget i put a billy club in there purse. I about peed my pants. Turns out it was just my key chain and they were so sweet and apologetic about having to shove their hands in my girlie bag. I'm just thankful I didn't go to jail.
3. Big ol' huge bunch of gents come in heading to school somewhere, I know cause they told me. Another smaller group that was a day early for manifest came in right behind them. The front desk calls the PAP office and the boys going to training almost got sent to a hotel because of a mix up in understanding where they were going and who they were. I spoke up because, well I don't know why, and said 'I think you have two different groups here.' Which earned me some go-back-to-the-snack-bar looks, but whatever. The great part was listening to them joke about how funny it would be if they'd shown up in Iraq. Yeah, really funny boys.
2. Soldier: Going to Oklahoma (after I asked where he was headed)
Chellie: Yay! Oklahoma!
Soldier (With a very good John Black eyebrow): Seriously?
Chellie (shrugs): Not really, just trying to build the hype.
1. Chellie: What can I get you to drink?
Soldier: Jack and coke?
Chellie (looking only mildly apologetic): Sorry. I just finished the bottle.
Soldier: You lush.
I heart that last soldier because he was fuuuunnnny. And my heart went out to that poor little baby soldier that had to wear those crazy ass bc glasses. I wanted to take him to pearl vision and hook him up. Bless his heart.
A friend's son graduated from boot camp in Georgia this week. He wears glasses. Those BC kind. The pictures were hilarious. Poor guy. She said he went to his room and changed them as soon as he could. hehehehe
Friday, September 19, 2008
- artemisbell
- botox and westerns
- breathe
- death
- deployment
- elf you
- fark
- first
- friday
- funny
- girls
- intrepid fallen heroes fund
- jack
- life lessons
- Military Support
- music
- nkotb
- old news
- paint drawings
- palin
- punch em in the face
- seal gods
- Sixteen Candles.
- smells
- soapbox
- sunscreen
- television
- The Incident
- the spanksters
- thumbs up
- TI
- top ten
- twilight
- ufc
- uso
- Veteran's Day 2008
- volunteer
- writing
- you tube
- yummy
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