Veteran's Day 2008

Up until last year Veteran's Day was just another day off from work. And before that it was a 3 day weekend until some Veteran's protested and decided it actually needed to be celebrated on the actual 11th day of November. Although I don't remember it being a 3 day weekend, I can remember my former Air Force co-worker sounding off about was quite funny.

Sad to say that it is once again just another day off work for me. I did take the time to pack up some long awaited care packages for my favorite marine - only because I got an email laying on the guilt trip about how once again another month passed without receiving a Chellie was the post it notes that did it. He, like Jack in Iraq (all together: Bless his heart), L-O-V-E-S my post it notes. The problem is since we chat I forget to send packages PLUS the lady at the post office MAKES ME CRAZY. She's a lunatic. Seriously.

Anyway. I also got caught up on all the True Blood episodes, which turned out to be a V-Day tribute all on it's own because I realized that Eric is BRAD!! From Generation Kill. Except I had to rewind and watch the opening credits again because his nose looked weird. But yeah. It was Alexander Skarsgard. With some kind of weird nose thing. OMG. The show I could barely stand to watch because of the hick accents just got sooooo much better. Once I realized it was Brad, I cycled through my DVR and watched my favorite episodes of GK. Which made me send an email off to MFM asking again if he made fun of my care packages. His response?

"Care package? You know I don't speak Spanish."

He needs more to do, clearly. I'm going to double up on the packages and fill them with things like Mydol and tampons.

And start blacking out my address so he can't find me when he comes home...

So, to say what I never say because I don't want to be a cliche. Thanks to all of the men and women who serve our country. Past, present and future. Thank you for paying a price I chose not to pay myself. To all my boys and girls that add comedy to my life with their stories and their rants - I love being that shoulder for you! Come home safe and for those that have already made it back (*cough* Jack? *cough*) thanks for being so freaking cool.

As 'Gator says, "Keep your head up."

Side note: I once put a box and some blank post cards in the break room at work to send to my Navy guys. 'Gator felt bad that no one was filling them out so she used her covert techniques and disguised her handwriting on most of the cards. Because she felt bad. It was the funniest thing I'd heard that week. I heart her. Another 'Gator story? She broke up with her adopted soldier because he asked her for a PS3. She figured she couldn't afford to allow their relationship to continue. She wondered why she couldn't have Jack and Navy Jerry who asked for cheap DVD players and toothpaste.

We can't all be cool like me.