Somebody Just Got Spanked!

So have you ever google imaged Spank? Very interesting. Clearly this is a tame choice. I'm going back later to further analyze the one with Batman...not that that's a fantasy of mine or anything...


One of my very own Spanksters has gone and got herself a book deal! It's amazingly amazing news for the Sensational Six as we twist and turn and fight our way through the publishing mad house world.

We are beyond excited...and with this group of girls that could potentially lead to a lot of borderline bad, bad things. Mojito's, Scottish Men in Kilts, T-shirts,Cow Bells and Sharing - just to name a few.

We are on our way ladies, one drunken sex scene workshop at a time.

Way to go Karilyn!!!



Unknown said...

Are these Sensation Six the Spankees or the Spankers?